Les Voix du Changement – Renforcer le parcours des femmes dans le mentorat EAH : Lydia Dziedzorm Senanu

Les Voix du Changement – Renforcer le parcours des femmes dans le mentorat EAH : Lydia Dziedzorm Senanu

Les Voix du Changement – Renforcer le parcours des femmes dans le mentorat EAH : Lydia Dziedzorm Senanu 607 595 Agenda for Change

Empowered through mentorship, Lydia Dziedzorm Senanu is transforming WASH in rural communities—one inspired step at a time.

Bienvenue dans « Les Voix du Changement », une série de blogs consacrée au partage des histoires transformatrices de personnes qui ont participé à notre programme de mentorat pour les femmes dans le secteur de l’eau, de l’assainissement et de l’hygiène (WASH), en collaboration avec le Rural Water Supply Network. À travers les yeux de ces leaders émergents, nous sommes témoins du pouvoir du mentorat, de l’échange culturel et de la croissance professionnelle dans le secteur de l’eau, de l’assainissement et de l’hygiène (WASH).

Nous vous invitons à explorer ces histoires avec nous et à célébrer ensemble les personnes inspirantes qui façonnent l’avenir de WASH !

In April 2024, I was fortunate to be given a chance to join the Agenda for Change Women in WASH mentorship program for the first time. Through the program, I was introduced to my mentor, Pauline Egan, who has extensive knowledge and experience in managing WASH programs in rural Africa. Her expertise and availability were invaluable as she helped me expand my knowledge and skills in both WASH and rural sanitation.

The mentorship spanned six months, during which Pauline guided me in identifying my strengths and areas for improvement. Through our conversations, I gained a deeper understanding of WASH program management from Pauline’s perspective, and she shared her journey of working in rural Africa and advancing in her career. This connection allowed me to learn from her experiences and approach challenges with a more positive outlook.

Throughout the mentorship, we adapted to challenges such as time zone differences, and we found that using WhatsApp for our communications made it easy to stay connected. Pauline provided direct support with improving my CV, identifying job opportunities, and drafting a five-year career plan that highlighted areas to address for growth. Her guidance helped me recognize the value of my past experiences and gave me the confidence to pursue new opportunities that I initially felt I wasn’t qualified for.

Beyond career guidance, Pauline introduced me to her network, which eventually led to a job opportunity! Her inspiring journey and our shared experiences as women in WASH created a strong bond between us, and our mentorship evolved into a lasting friendship.

Reflecting on this journey, I feel this program was exactly what I needed, and I am immensely grateful to Agenda for Change and to Pauline for the support and inspiration she offered. I now hope to become a mentor in the future, sharing the knowledge and encouragement I received to help others achieve their potential.

Lydia Dziedzorm Senanu

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