Latter-day Saint Charities and The Waterloo Foundation join the Osprey Foundation and the Vitol Foundation in supporting the Agenda for Change global collaboration in accelerating progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 6. These investments support the critical role of coordination amongst the 14 members to lead collective action that drives systemic change towards safe, reliable water and sanitation services in more than 40 countries.
Agenda for Change wants to cultivate a new way of working: supporting the delivery of sustainable water, sanitation, and hygiene services through systems strengthening. Our members believe that to deliver lasting change in this sector, we need to collaborate on approaches that tackle policy, financing, and institutions, among other key building blocks of the water, sanitation and hygiene system.
At the heart of this work is the development of institutional capacity in the public, private and NGO sectors to maintain services. Some Agenda for Change members promote harmonized district level work to ensure everyone in the districts, municipalities, or cities where they work has adequate water, sanitation, and hygiene services. Other members ensure that national level systems are in place to enable all districts to reach everyone, and that systems are in place forever.
Latter-day Saint Charities has also supported Agenda for Change members CARE, CRS, WaterAid, and Water For People, and is in discussions with other members to support their systems strengthening work. Julie Ramos, Program Manager at Latter-day Saint Charities, said “Agenda for Change is leading the conversation on driving collective action that is strengthening local and national WASH systems. Latter-day Saint Charities is pleased to support this effort and the important role that Agenda for Change plays.”
The Waterloo Foundation has also supported Agenda for Change members IRC, WaterAid, Water For People, and WaterSHED. Tabitha Ndiaye, World Development Fund Manager at The Waterloo Foundation, said “We feel that coordinating efforts to strengthen WASH systems around the world is a vital part of achieving the WASH SDGs. We are happy to be supporting Agenda for Change as they take on the challenge of actively promoting this kind of collaborative approach.”
Osprey Foundation continues to support the Agenda for Change Global Hub with significant funding while also supporting members CARE, IRC, Splash, WaterAid, and Water for People. Louis Boorstin, Osprey’s Managing Director, commented: “Our support for the Agenda for Change global hub leverages and enhances all of the work being done by the 14 member organizations, as well as the contributions of governments, communities and companies in more than 40 countries where those members work. What a great way to support sustainable services for all.”
The Vitol Foundation is currently supporting Agenda for Change members’ collaborative work in Rwanda, members IRC, Splash, Water for Good, Water for People and WaterSHED, and has established a pilot Technical Assistance Facility to support four organizations that are committed to following a systems strengthening approach but need coaching. Régis Garandeau, Head of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene at the Vitol Foundation, said “Systems strengthening is the future of the WASH sector. We are eager to accelerate the transformation of the sector by facilitating collaboration amongst Agenda for Change members and coaching of aspiring systems strengthening organizations by leaders in the field.”
The Agenda for Change Global Hub will use these investments to support their members in applying and assessing systems led approaches, influencing the sector by sharing evidence and tools at key international and sectoral events, and in contributing to a stronger community of practice.