Five Years in Review


Agenda for Change was established in May 2015 by Members Aquaconsult, IRC, Osprey Foundation, WaterAid, and Water For People.

Hosted breakfast at Stockholm World Water Week.


The District Roadmap was published.

Hosted breakfast at Stockholm World Water Week.

Resources District Level Roadmap


Data party organized by Technical Assistance working group.

First learning and reflection meeting.

Funding from Osprey Foundation to establish two full-time positions for the Secretariat.

Hosted breakfast at Stockholm World Water Week.

Co-hosted ‘Morning of Systems Part II‘ at Stockholm World Water Week.

Members CARE, Splash, Water for Good, and Welthungerhilfe joined the collaboration.


Two full-time staff hired for Global Secretariat.

Finalized Governance Framework.

Latin-American learning event after LatinoSan conference.

Vitol Foundation establishes WASH systems Technical Assistance Facility.

Hosted breakfast at Stockholm World Water Week.

Co-hosted ‘Deep Dive into Systems Strengthening‘ at Stockholm World Water Week.

Members Catholic Relief Services, Center for Water Security and Cooperation (CWSC), Concern Worldwide, Helvetas, and WaterSHED joined the collaboration.


Focus on compiling evidence of stronger systems.

Focus on building stronger country collaborations.

Systems strengthening paper published.

Funding from Latter-day Saint Charities and The Waterloo Foundation to support Global Hub.

Continued focus on inclusive learning and knowledge sharing.

Strengthening Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Systems: Concepts, Examples, and Experiences
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