Strong Wash Systems
Systems-Wide Approach
To deliver positive change towards water, sanitation, and hygiene service delivery, we need a systems-wide approach that tackles key building blocks of the water, sanitation, and hygiene sector.
What is system strengthening?
System strengthening involves taking actions and supporting interventions that are considered likely to strengthen one or more elements of a whole system. This includes strengthening both the factors (technology, financing, regulation, coordination, service delivery, etc.), as well as the capacity of actors and their inter-relationships, to improve the quality and sustainability of WASH services and ensure that all populations are served.
Agenda for Change members are committed to systems strengthening through collective action.

Building Blocks
WASH systems are made up of complex, interconnected components that help the system to function; we refer to these components as building blocks. Over time, as more building blocks are strengthened, we begin to see a strong and resilient WASH sector emerge.
Systems Strengthening Tools
The following tools were compiled from Agenda for Change members and external systems actors.