Water For People’s system strengthening efforts led to significantly improved and sustained water service delivery in Asunción, Perú
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Operator of the drinking water system in the Llimbe community of Asunción (Water For People)
Agenda for Change supports its members to deliver systems change and document and share their experiences in the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector. As part of that overall effort, the Global Hub contracted a team from the Springfield Centre and Aguaconsult to test and apply an approach to three cases involving Agenda for Change members. Water For People in Perú is the second case. Further guidance on how to apply the approach, and a summary of lessons learned from the process, will be forthcoming.
Key Findings – Overall
In the northern rural district of Asunción, Perú, Water For People’s system strengthening efforts have contributed to remarkably improved water service delivery that is being sustained over time. Over a nine-year period (2013 to 2021), Water For People addressed various underperforming factors in the water system in Asunción, including planning and financing universal services, finance for operations and maintenance, and skills building of district water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) offices and service providers.
From 2013 to 2019, the percentage of unserved households in Asunción decreased from 17% to 3%. Further, overall service delivery levels have been maintained at intermediate or high levels.
Through these interventions, Water For People has demonstrated that improving key factors in the WASH system with local actors can contribute to sustained service delivery levels over time. Despite the potential risks to resilience, the current state of the water sector in Perú should provide a favorable environment to sustain and scale the results achieved in Asunción.