New report – System strengthening for inclusive, sustainable WASH: experiences from SusWASH

New report – System strengthening for inclusive, sustainable WASH: experiences from SusWASH

New report – System strengthening for inclusive, sustainable WASH: experiences from SusWASH 1890 1266 Agenda for Change

SusWASH community group in Pakistan (WaterAid/ Sibtain Haider)

Hannah Crichton-Smith and Vincent Casey of WaterAid introduce their new report sharing practical experiences, lessons and recommendations from SusWASH, WaterAid’s programme to strengthen water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) systems in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Uganda and Pakistan. See the full blog post.

The report includes:

  • The background to WASH system strengthening and the SusWASH programme.
  • The process taken to design, measure change, learn and adapt.
  • Four country case studies that provide an overview of what has been done, the changes observed, and what has been learned so far.
  • Concluding lessons, recommendations and next steps.

The report is intended for WASH practitioners, fundraisers, governments and donors implementing or funding WASH system strengthening, and those who are interested in doing so.

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