Welcome to our new members!

Welcome to our new members!

Welcome to our new members! 1875 1408 Agenda for Change

Agenda for Change is thrilled to announce two new members are joining our collaboration: the Community of Women in Water (CWiW) and Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP). They join Action Against Hunger, Aguaconsult, CRS, CARE, Concern Worldwide, CWSC, Helvetas, IRC, Living Water International, Max Foundation, Osprey Foundation, Oxfam, Population Services International, Rural Water Supply Network, Self Help Africa/United Purpose, Splash, WaterAid, Water for Good, Water For People, Welthungerhilfe, and World Vision in the collaboration.

Agenda for Change is a collaborative initiative addressing the challenge of achieving sustainable WASH service delivery, as outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals. Membership is open to organizations supporting collaborative WASH systems strengthening through funding, technical assistance, or market-based services. Applicants can be nominated by an existing country collaboration for Full or Associate membership or through our Secretariat for Strategic Ally status. See our Governance Framework for more information on membership criteria.

Read more below about what each member brings to the collaboration:

The Community of Women in Water (CWiW) believes a holistic and systemic perspective is critical to solving challenges for water resources and WASH services. By bringing women working within this sector together, we aim to help them see a more complete picture of the challenges and the possibilities. Equally critical is building and strengthening gender equality within the sector’s paid jobs; currently less than 20% of water sector employees are women although the global average for the work force is 47%. A systems approach is not possible without a diverse set of views; thus, CWiW works to raise the profile of women in the sector and to work towards a more equitable future for those working in the sector.

Status: Strategic Ally

WSUP exists to improve access to water and sanitation for under-served urban populations. In Africa and Asia, we partner with utilities, local governments, and private sectors to build capacity for citywide services. At the national level, we collaborate with ministries and regulators to create inclusive mandates and strengthen accountability frameworks. By developing sustainable financing streams—tariffs, taxes, and transfers—we ensure services are affordable, financially viable, and environmentally sustainable.

Status: Full member
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