Welcome to our new members!

Welcome to our new members!

Welcome to our new members! 1875 1408 Agenda for Change

Agenda for Change is thrilled to announce three new members are joining our collaboration: Oxfam, Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN), and World Vision. They join Action Against Hunger (ACF), Aguaconsult, CRS, CARE, Concern Worldwide, CWSC, Helvetas, IRC, Living Water International, Max Foundation, Osprey Foundation, Population Services International (PSI), Self Help Africa/United Purpose, Splash, WaterAid, Water for Good, Water For People, and Welthungerhilfe in the collaboration.

Agenda for Change is a collaborative response to the challenge of reaching sustainable service delivery as outlined in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) related targets of the Sustainable Development Goals. To qualify for membership, an organization – working in one or in many countries – must be supporting or engaging in collaborative WASH systems strengthening approaches (e.g., providing funding, technical assistance, or market-based services) and be nominated for membership through an existing country collaboration. See our Governance Framework for more information on criteria.

Read more below about what each member brings to the collaboration:

Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to beat poverty and injustice. Our focus on sustainability in WASH takes a systems approach through the strengthening of formal institutions, of the private sector, and of communities. We provide long term technical support and capacity building to the mandated authorities and institutions responsible for water and sanitation provision and also test innovations towards building resilience in the face of climate change.

Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN)‘s vision is that of a world in which all people enjoy safely managed water services that are resilient and sustainable. We recognise that sustainable water services can only happen through a systems-wide approach that tackles systemic weaknesses of the water, sanitation, and hygiene sector. We commit to upholding the Agenda for Change principles and facilitating learning exchanges between our members to strengthen countries’ capabilities to deliver permanent and accountable access to WASH services.

World Vision works from grassroots to global to strengthen and sustain WASH systems. This includes facilitating access to equitable and inclusive water and sanitation systems that are quality, locally owned, and sustainably managed. We partner with local and national government to ensure policies and standards are in place and enforced. We coordinate at regional and global levels to scale up learnings, align to global strategies, and push for greater accountability to WASH commitments.

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