Outcomes of the two-day London meeting on strengthening WASH systems

Outcomes of the two-day London meeting on strengthening WASH systems

Outcomes of the two-day London meeting on strengthening WASH systems 450 338 Agenda for Change

The meeting brought together 22 different organisations representing 11 countries.

Re-shared from the original post by Aguaconsult here.

The Osprey Foundation and Aguaconsult convened a two-day meeting in London in early October 2023, building on the All Systems Connect conference held earlier in the year and ongoing system strengthening initiatives in the sector. We planned this meeting to provide the space and opportunity for like-minded organisations to come together and hold open and frank discussions about the challenges, barriers and solutions to accelerating systems strengthening efforts for WASH.

We had representatives from 22 different organisations and 11 countries in the room. Our objectives were to identify practical approaches to do our work better, to increase the effectiveness of the key stakeholders who implement and support WASH systems strengthening and to generate new ideas that merit testing and potentially scaling up.

We organised the discussions and group work around three main themes:

  • Theme 1. Stimulating and sustaining government leadership in support of systems strengthening.
  • Theme 2. Generating stronger evidence to support system strengthening.
  • Theme 3. Improving collective action to accelerate system strengthening efforts.
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