Agenda for Change members at Colorado WASH Symposium

Agenda for Change members at Colorado WASH Symposium

Agenda for Change members at Colorado WASH Symposium 1200 674 Agenda for Change

Agenda for Change is a collaborative response to the challenge of reaching sustainable service delivery as outlined in SDG 6. Partner organizations apply approaches to build the systems that are necessary to achieve universal access to sustainable WASH services by 2030. Join our members’ sessions and learn more about their work strengthening WASH systems!  Follow along on Twitter with #COWASHsymposium or #WASHagenda

0845 – 0930 Keynote address (C120 Main Room)
Jane Nabunnya Mulumba – IRC Uganda Country Director

0930 – 1030 Bananas, Coffee, Microfinance, and Bathrooms: A combination for better access to sanitation and public health in rural markets (C120 CD)
Mauricio Villagra & Nestor Gonzalez, Water For People

1530 – 1630 District WASH Offices are the Key to Sustainability: A Case Study in San Bartolome Jocotenango, Guatemala (C120 CD)
Cristobal Perez Oxlaj, Water For People

0930 – 1030 Workshop: Pre-mortem for decision making (C120 Main Room)
Susan Davis, Agenda for Change Global Coordinator

1300 – 1400 Reaching Everyone Forever: Progress 2011-2019 (C120 Main Room)
Mark Duey, Water For People

1530 – 1630 Sensory overload! Disrupting the system in search of more sustainable rural water services (C120 CD)
John Butterworth, IRC

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