Agenda for Change at Stockholm World Water Week 2018

Agenda for Change at Stockholm World Water Week 2018

Agenda for Change at Stockholm World Water Week 2018 1070 537 Agenda for Change

Join the sessions Agenda for Change partners will be presenting during the 2018 SIWI World Water Week conference:

Sunday, 26 Aug | 14:00 – 15:30 | NL 461
Hygiene Behaviour Change (HBC) – What Works and What Doesn’t?
WaterAid, LSHTM, The World Bank Group, WSSCC

Sunday, 26 Aug | 16:00 – 17:30 | NL 357
Shared sanitation: when individual toilets aren’t enough 
The World Bank Group, WSUP, GIZ, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany, WaterAid, University of Leeds, WHO

Monday, 27 Aug | 10:00 – 10:30 | Exhibition Hall
Sofa: From sector coordination to effective national accountability for SDG 6
End Water Poverty, WaterAid, IRC, WSSCC, Water Integrity Network, Simavi, Coalition Eau

Monday, 27 Aug | 14:00 – 15:30 | FH 300
Blended finance: From principles to practice
OECD, World Water Council, Government of the Netherlands,, IRC

Monday, 27 Aug | 16:00 – 17:30 | NL 461
Freshwater Conservation-WASH integration: high-level and local-level challenges and opportunities
Conservation International, WWF, The Nature Conservancy, HELVETAS, Water For People, MWA, IRC, Wetlands International

Tuesday, 28 Aug | 09:00 – 10:30 | NL 353
Launch of JMP 2018 global baseline on WASH in Schools
UNICEF, WHO, GIZ, WaterAid, Sustainable Sanitation Alliance, Save the Children

Tuesday, 28 Aug | 11:00 – 12:30 | FH Little Theatre
Sanitation in small towns: challenges for the environment and development
Programme Solidarité Eau, Sandec at Eawag, GIZ, GRET, WaterAid, The World Bank Group, Sustainable Sanitation Alliance, i-San Associates

Wednesday, 29 Aug | 10:00 – 10:30 | Exhibition Hall
Sofa: Leveraging learning and innovation in NGO led WASH programming
SNV, iDE, WaterAid, University of Technology Sydney, DFAT, Palladium, Civil Society WASH Fund Management Facility

Wednesday, 29 Aug | 16:00 – 16:45 | FH 300
Why can’t a tailor fly a plane?
UNICEF, IRC, Government of Ethiopia

Wednesday, 29 Aug | 16:00 – 17:30 | FH 300
One billion left behind: Making global water efforts disability inclusive
WaterAid, The World Bank Group, SIDA

Wednesday, 29 Aug | 17:00 – 17:30 | Exhibition Hall
Sofa: Strong WASH Systems: The Essential Element for SDG6 Achievement
IRC, USAID, Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda

Thursday, 30 Aug | 09:00 – 10:30 | NL Pillar Hall
WASH4Work: Tools to Accelerate Business Action on WASH
UNGC CEO Water Mandate, UNICEF, ILO, WaterAid, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, WSSCC, WSUP, SWA, AWS, Toilet Board Coalition, GAP Inc., Unilever, Diageo, Global Citizen, UN Foundation

Thursday, 30 Aug | 16:00 – 17:30 | FH 300
Building an evidence base for WASH: linking research and practice
LSHTM, WaterAid, Africa AHEAD, Richard Carter and Associates Ltd

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