Reposted from IRC’s blog “Harnessing the power of collective action: the journey so far“
A synthesis document and a series of country briefs demonstrate that, together, we are strengthening the systems needed to deliver safe water, sanitation, and hygiene services to all households, health care facilities, and schools within our 11 partner districts in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Niger and Uganda by 2030 and forever.
Since 2017, we – the Safe Water Strategy partnership (2017 – 2021), initiated by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation – have accelerated access to safe water in our partner districts in six countries, a combined population of 2 million people. The Safe Water Strategy initiated a new, ambitious approach: government leadership at all levels, service delivery models that are innovative and can be scaled, adequate funding targeted to supporting district-level systems change through government leadership, and coordination of multi-sector partnerships. These partnerships explore and demonstrate service delivery models that are innovative, can be sustained locally and scaled nationally and globally.
By 2030, our goal is that at least 1.24 million people will have sustainable access to basic and 760,000 people to safely managed services. All schools and health care facilities in partner districts in these countries will have access to basic services. Lessons learned will be adopted nationally, and globally, through our knowledge sharing and advocacy.
In the last three years, as a result of our collective action:
- 11 districts have created visionary master plans that set out how they will achieve their goals by 2030
- Over US$ 18 million have been raised towards implementing the first phase of the master plans
- At least 30,000 people now have a safely managed water supply – who didn’t previously
- At least 100,000 people now have a basic household supply – who didn’t previously
- Over 171 schools and 55 health facilities now have upgraded water, sanitation, and hygiene services
- In Wassa East, Ghana, 34,000 people have at least a basic water supply – who didn’t previously.
The following documents have been developed collectively with colleagues and partners and demonstrate what IRC and partners have jointly achieved so far in partner districts and beyond.