Presentation recording from webinar on “Monitoring and Evaluation of WaterAid’s WASH System Strengthening Work”

Presentation recording from webinar on “Monitoring and Evaluation of WaterAid’s WASH System Strengthening Work”

Presentation recording from webinar on “Monitoring and Evaluation of WaterAid’s WASH System Strengthening Work” 1191 895 Agenda for Change

On Wednesday 18 November (1300 – 1400 GMT), WaterAid hosted a webinar for Agenda for Change members to share a new tool developed to monitor and evaluate their system strengthening work across country programmes, including a reflection from one of the pilot countries on their experiences applying the tool. We heard from Hannah Crichton-Smith (Sustainable WASH Advisor, UK) who presented on WaterAid’s system strengthening way of working, Ben Robinson (M&E Advisor, UK) who presented the tool developed to support the monitoring and evaluation of system strengthening, and Ceaser Kimbugwe (SusWASH Project Manager, Uganda) who shared Uganda’s experience in piloting the tool.

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